Editthis.info will be down from Friday May 23rd to roughly Friday May 30th. My family and I are moving from New Jersey to San Francisco, California, and it will take about a week before the server is set up out there. My goal is to have it set up in 5 days, but I think 7 is more realistic.
I will rush and push to get this set up immediately, and I am sorry for any inconvenience this causes.

This will be a partial downtime. I am transferring some of the wikis with the highest traffic to a dreamhost private server, and moving the domain temporarily to point to that server. Unfortunately all of the wikis cannot be transfered and will be down for the week. These are the wikis that are currently being transfered in the order that they will be transferred:
'choose_your_own_adventure', 'scp_wiki', 'code_wiki', 'londonbirders', 'timesplitterswiki', 'psy3241', 'psy3242', 'bs01_game_team_', 'bloggerhacks', 'elimine', 'rickyrab', 'superdickery', 'vandalpedia', 'glitches', 'runewiki', 'sonar', 'kaiserreich', 'charas_project', 'ben10versepedia', 'usgs', 'jtv_wiki', 'sotf_wiki', 'dxx', 'cecilia', 'undertherainbow',
'top_trumps', 'inselkampf', 'flab', 'egs_mayhem', '20803', 'sandboxwiki', 'expanding_your_horizons', 'bidoof', 'kokorodatabase',
'deathmenwalking', 'pornopedia', 'wormpedia', 'wolfapedia', 'fat', 'wikiventure', 'hanfburgwiki', 'cod', 'roach_busters', 'super_formula', 'ms_paint_brawl', 'banarte', 'dexnet',
This is based upon google analytics for count of unique vistors. The rest of the wikis will be back up by the end of next week.
We can appreciate this, Good Luck in San Fran.
thanks for the heads up. best of luck with the move!
Good luck with the move...
Thanks for the warning. Best of luck.
My wiki seems to have just vanished. I am unsure if this is because of the move or what. I last checked in April (I have moved to a new state for school) and now am wondering about it. Any help will be appreciated. :D
My account had my email for the site.
Hi Derrick,
The wiki is still on the main server, and it is just not present on the temporary environment.
It should be back up once I set up the main server.
I've been using http://editthis.info/fantasy_novel/Main_Page for a long time now. I've been using it for putting together ideas and writing stuff for a novel I'm working on - because the wiki idea to keep information and such was a GREAT one that I loved - very useful.
Well, I go to log into it today and BAM, I get this message:
There is no wiki by the name of fantasy_novel.
Would you like to Create a wiki?
I have like TWO YEARS worth of stuff written there, and I was JUST going to be backing it up this week before you moved the servers (something I had not done yet). Now its gone?
For the love of all that is holy, please GOD tell me that its not actually lost, and is in fact retrievable?!?!?!?
Nothing is lost. It just doesn't exist on the temporary server. There are 40,000+ wikis on editthis.info, and only the top 100 are on the temporary box.
Check back after next week. It should be fine once I get the real server finished.
As a great bonus, in this process I created an individual wiki db dumper which I will roll out for people to have for data portability.
Thanks Rob
I now have the top 250 on the temp server, and might have the top 350 by the end of the day.
Matt, yours was included in that, so your wiki is currently live.
Is my Wiki, Vandalpedia, going to be down during this time? (It works today, but it didn't yesterday) and do you ever plan on using your account there?
My wiki worked this morning, but stopped just now. What the hell is going on over there?
Thank you so much for the response. :)
Choose Your Own Adventure was working... but now it isn't again. The Main Page comes up, but nothing else works. Up, down, up, down... I hope your move is going smoother than the site is and I look forward to having it up and staying up at some point in the future.
for some reason all the regular pages on my wiki come up fine except this one: http://editthis.info/wiki42/Canadian_Chocobo
So, I'm a little confused here. Our wiki, http://editthis.info/sotf_wiki, was supposedly among the first to be moved to a different server during editthis.info's downtime. The problem is, it doesn't work. To be honest, I'm a little concerned. I can't get anything besides approximately half of the main page to come up. It wouldn't be a big deal, but we were under the impression that our wiki wasn't going to be down.
this is very weird, because i figured either a site's down or it's not - but only about half the page seem to be down and other pages just come up blank. Very weird - couldn't you put up a message of "Technical difficulties, we'll be back next week" instead of these blank pages?
I'm a little confused (and concerned) as well. Choose Your Own Adventure is at the top of the list and so I thought it might not be down at all. Instead it's in this weird half up/half down state where I can view some pages but not all pages and I can't edit a thing.
If a wiki still not exists, is it vanished then, or should we have more patience? I hope that I'm not patient enough now...
I am also concerned.
I've been unable to get into my wiki (Rickyrab) over your downtime period. When will people be able to get into login-only wikis again?
I've been unable to get into my wiki (Rickyrab) over your downtime period. When will people be able to get into login-only wikis again?
I've been unable to get into my wiki (Rickyrab) over your downtime period. When will people be able to get into login-only wikis again?
Yeah, it's June 1 and I still can't generate a wiki. What's going on?
I'm also seeing problems on the Brackbill Wiki (http://editthis.info/brackbillwiki). The first page loads but none of the others do.
Hi Guys,
I am back online and working on the issues. Before I left, I set up the site on a dreamhost VServer. It allows you to adjust the CPU and memory, and I think has been pretty fast in response time. The blank pages you have been seeing occur when the load on the server is too high. Since I haven't been at the helm, I haven't been able to adjust to compensate for load.
In any case, I am considering moving to the virtual server environment for good since it allows me to adjust with the growth of the site. Admittedly the site was set up with great haste on the vserver and was intended as a temporary solution. I haven't been on the site for the past week, so I would like a little feedback from you guys regarding the site's performance. Issues to ignore that are being resolved:
*Blank pages (this is most like just load issues)
*Failure to maintain a session after logging in
*Missing wikis (they are all on my home server and will all be shifted to the new environment)
Beyond these items, how as your experience been compared to before the move? I feel that it has been much faster.
In any case, thank you for sticking with EDI. I am working to make it a better experience, as well as keeping you all informed as to its progress.
Hi, is my wiki gone? When I direct my browser to www.editthis.info/lanjwiki/Main_Page, I get "There is no wiki by the name of lanjwiki"
lanjwiki is back up, and soon I will have finished a tool to transition your own wiki to the new server (lanjwiki was the first test of it).
Still does not work. Will it be up soon?
The Brackbill Wiki (http://www.editthis.info/brackbillwiki) is back completely, but things seem much slower today.
I still cant create my own wiki, it just keeps saying tere isnt a wiki by that name then asking if i wnt to create, in a huge cycle
hi, my wiki (http://editthis.info/kirbyandkpedia/Main_Page) is not working... is it gone? tell me if its gone or not please, thnx.
Hi, thanks for the respons, but can you also try to put the wiki vragen3bachsem2 back up? I (and much of my colleagues) would very appreciate it, because there is very usefull information for the exams of our university (starting next week) on it. And of course, I hope your transition tool will do good work for all other wikis too! Good luck with it.
hi Rob,
i appreciate your hard work on all the wiki, but can you tell a prevision of when the other wiki will be full operational?
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